In 1987, a young family of doctors from the city of Plovdiv, who chose pediatrics as their professional path, began work in as per assignment in the then existing Children’s Polyclinic at the District Hospital in the city of Stara Zagora. The wife in the family was pregnant and in order to be given responsibility a good district, the husband accepts to be appointed as a district doctor of the Roma populated area of Lozenets. The region of Stara Zagora was one of the first places in terms of child mortality in Bulgaria, the main factor being the Roma the neighborhood with the highest infant mortality rate in city…
In order to deal with the problem, the management of the Polyclinic decided that every child in the Roma neighborhood in the risk age of 0 to 1 year should be examined daily, at home, by the responcible for the area pediatrician. The task was carried out absolutely precisely and consistently, and the result was striking – for a year, not a single child died, the mortality rate was zero.
This is an invaluable experience for the young district pediatrician and proves in practice that the daily monitoring of the children’s condition and the daily control of their diseases reduce the possible risks to the health and life of the children to a minimum.
In 2000, the health reform in Bulgaria put an end to the regional pediatric system.
Convinced of the need and need for well-organized professional pre-hospital pediatric care, the same doctor:
Dr. Atanas Yanchev established the 24-hour Children’s Clinic VelaKlinik in the city of Plovdiv, naming it after his daughter.
The team includes:
Dr. Mihailova, Dr. Vakrilova, Dr. Yanchev – father, called “Senior”, Dr. Grozdanova, one of the most experienced pediatricians in the city with over 30 years of clinical experience, as well as Dr. Yancheva and a number of junior pediatricians and children’s nurses.
From the very beginning, the polyclinic has been working according to its own unique model, the author and founder of which in Bulgaria is rightly considered to be its team. The experience of the past has not only been enriched, but also further developed and transformed into a new, modern system for 24/7 round-the-clock, uninterrupted and unlimited pediatric care, on the basis of a monthly subscription available to every Bulgarian family. The practice of free paid examinations has also been transformed into a program of paid examinations, significantly easing the family budget. The polyclinic is well equipped with everything you need: registry, offices, manipulations, possibilities for ultrasound, cardiography, laboratory tests, own medical transport, own information system and computerization of all workplaces, marketing and administrative team.
In the following years, VelaClinic enjoyed rapid development, annually increasing the number of its subscribers and the number of settlements served, reaching the figure of 11,000 contracts by 2022.
In 2011, the renovation and creation of a second base in the city of Plovdiv began, designed to serve the ever-increasing flow of patients seeking the services of VelaClinic. In the same year, VelaKlinik 24-hour Children’s Clinic was accepted as a member of the European Association of Pediatrics.
On November 21, 2011, the Day of the Christian Family, the 24-hour Children’s Clinic VelaKlinik was opened in the city of Sofia.
On 26.11.2011, the first subscription contract was concluded in the city of Sofia.